The project consists of two closed bays. The first bay houses components for voltage transformation substations with capacities of 400 kV. The second bay is home to substations with a power of 230 kV. Assemblage of the substations is taking place in both bays and the transformers are transported from there to their respective final destinations.
Two single girder eot cranes will be installed in one of the bays. These cranes have load capacities of 5 tonnes and spans of 12.8 metres.
Both crane types use electric chain hoists for lifting purposes in this project. In particular in the lower load capacity range it is particularly recommendable to use EOT cranes in combination with electric chain hoists.
Electric chain hoists have the advantage of being easy to use, have high duty cycles and low dead weights as well as easy maintainability. It is easy to set overload protections from the outside via preconfigured friction clutches. Only a few screws have to be unscrewed in the event of chains having to be replaced. The chains are then pulled out together with the chain guides and replaced by new ones.