How to Maximize Hook Coverage of Crane and Hoist
28 Apr, 2021
What is Hook Coverage?
- crane hook Coverage, or working span, is the area that the hook of your crane can reach.
- It covers all three motions of the hook the in x, y and z dimensions, from the coverage area of the floor to the coverage area of the uppermost height of the hook.
- Hook coverage is impacted by how close a crane’s hook can move to the end of the bridge and runway.
Benefits of Good Hook Coverage.
- The greater your crane's hook coverage, the greater the impact your crane can have on the working area and operations of your facility.
- Good hook coverage not only maximizes the efficiency and profitability of your facility, but also prepares your organization for increased profitability and productivity over time.
- As operations expand or change, greater hook coverage will give your organization the flexibility to adapt to changing environments or increasing workload.
How to Maximize Hook Coverage?
- You must have a good understanding of your building space, including obstructions on the walls, ceiling and floor.
- The hook coverage area of your crane is always less than the total span of the crane or length of the runway.
- Communicate the layout of your facility and ask your crane builder the right questions to avoid change orders and to maximize the profitability of your production.
- To reach maximum lifting heights and hook-to-wall dimensions, you can also select a double-girder hoist design for superior clearance.
- Double-girder designs allow for even greater hook height than single-girder cranes, maximizing your vertical hook coverage. Its compact trolley design minimizes your overhead dimensions while maximizing vertical hook coverage.
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